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LA MANUFACTURE COGOLIN: The carpets produced by the well-known French hand-weaving mill – established in 1924 and founded by the textile engineer Jean Lauer – continue to be produced on old 19th century hand-weaving looms. Despite these close ties with its traditions, the mill in Provence has long since expanded its range from solely historical designs created by the like of Christian Bérard, Jules Leleu, Jean-Michel Frank, Sir David Hicks and Jean Cocteau, whose pr duction is still controlled by old punch cards. La Manufacture Cogolin also produces contemporary collections such as its latest which goes by the name of «Isotopie». It comprises four different designs with raised patterns: «Allitération» (aand inset), «Diaphore» (b), «Syllepse» (c) and «Isotopie» (d). All of them pick up on the theme of repetition, using a succession of geometrical motifs to form a continuous pattern. The loop-pile and velour are of different, contras ing colours. This venerable hand-weaving mill has been owned for around seven years by the Hong Kong company, House of Tai Ping, and has been reinforced by production facilities in Portugal and Nepal.